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Captura de Tela 2024-01-09 às 21.30.08.png
Captura de Tela 2024-01-09 às 21.30.08.png

Submission Rules


1) Authors may submit the abstract before completing the event registration; however, the final acceptance and publication in the proceedings will only occur after payment and confirmation of the author's registration as a presenter.


2) All abstract writing rules must be followed.


3) Access the abstract submission form using the link below, fill in all fields, and attach the properly formatted abstract.






4) Before submitting the abstract, review it carefully. Any changes will be allowed until the final abstract submission deadline.


5) All communications related to the abstract and its presentation will be sent to the email of the author designated as the corresponding author.


6) At the time of submission, the author must indicate the preferred presentation mode: Oral Presentation or Poster. However, the final decision on the works selected for oral presentation rests solely with the evaluation committee.


7) Authors should indicate, at the time of registration, whether the presented work is in line with any of the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN, and if so, specify it/them.


8) The abstract should be submitted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. However, regardless of the chosen language, it is essential that it is grammatically correct; otherwise, the abstract may be rejected.


9) The deadline for abstract submission is March 31, 2024.


10) To receive certificates related to your abstract, at least one of the listed authors must be regularly registered and have participated in the event. Certificates will be made available electronically to the corresponding author.


11) There is no limit to the number of works per registrant; however, each abstract can have up to 10 authors. Remember that a submission form must be filled out for each evaluated work.


12) The results of the work evaluation will be announced by April 25, 2024.


13) After the abstract is accepted, the person responsible for submitting the work must confirm the payment of their registration by April 30, 2024, so that the abstract can be published in the event proceedings.


14) Attention: all materials produced on free themes (proceedings, certificates, among others) will faithfully reproduce the information submitted by the author. Therefore, it will not be possible to make changes to the spelling of the title, abstract, or authors after the deadline for submitting works. We emphasize that the information provided is the sole responsibility of the author submitting the abstract. Names written in an incomplete manner (by abbreviation or omission of one or more surnames) will not be changed and will appear in the official program and digital certificate as informed by the lead author in the submission.


16) Discounted registration fees will adhere to the dates in the table available on the event website, regardless of the approval date of the works. To ensure payment with a discount, it is necessary to respect the dates established in this table.


17) By submitting works, authors assume compliance with the laws and ethical standards governing research involving humans and animals. Thus, the Congress organizing committee is exempt from any responsibility regarding the research results and/or content presented in the abstracts.



Thematic Axes

Neglected Diseases

  1. Research, literature reviews, case reports, and other studies related to neglected diseases.

neglected populations

  1. Research, literature reviews, case reports, and other studies related to neglected populations.

one health

  1. Research, literature reviews, case reports, and other studies related to neglected diseases in the context of One Health.

cross-cutting themes

  1. Research, literature reviews, case reports, and other studies involving cross-cutting themes, including COVID-19 in the context of Neglected Diseases.

Formatting Rules for Abstracts

To ensure proper formatting, it is recommended to use the template provided in the button below.







  1. The abstract should be written using Arial font, size 12, single spacing, and without paragraph indentation.

  2. The title should be concise (limit of 250 characters) and reflect the study to be presented. It should be written in bold, uppercase letters, however, respecting the rules of zoological nomenclature.

  3. Author names should be written with the last name in uppercase and raised numbering to indicate affiliation. The affiliation should contain the name of the institution and other information such as department, sector, institute, or others.

  4. Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk and include the contact email immediately after the authors' affiliation. The body of the abstract has a limit of 2500 characters, including spacing.

  5. Keywords should be included just below the abstract body, with a minimum of three and a maximum of five. Support and funding should be included immediately after the keywords.

  6. The institution or institutions where the work was carried out, as well as the names of the authors, should NOT be mentioned in the body of the text. Graphics or tables will not be accepted in the abstract, although such resources can be used in the presentation of the work, if approved

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